
Saturday, October 22, 2005

Les Fleurs du Mal

Derrière les ennuis et les vastes chagrins
Qui chargent de leur poids l'existence brumeuse,
Heureux celui qui peut d'une aile vigoureuse
S'élancer vers les champs lumineux et sereins;

Spleen et Idéal, III. - Élévation, Les Fleurs du Mal,
Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)

According to Baudelaire, one can overcome painful, debilitating heartbreaks by flapping one's wings towards brighter fields. I agree that the best way to forget is to have a change of scenery, travel, move to a different place, exercise, make new friends, touch others. To make it short, find any distraction that gets your heart pumping for a different cause. Eventually time heals, and one gains new perspective on the situation. Et voilà! Life is full of other pleasures worth living for.


Anonymous said...

your past two entries kind of match my reading material these days - "the year of magical thinking" by joan didion. it deals with the same kind of stuff. i really recommend it if you haven't already read it.

(i comment on all your entries! i feel like a stalker! haha)

Peggy Lampotang said...

Thanks Teri. I'll read it.

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