I want to share with you this site that my cousin Philip set up for our uncle Lin Feng Mian, an amazing artist whom I discovered in the last years, but much too late as he passed away in 1991. Being an artist myself, the immediate affinity I felt for his paintings was uncanny, as if I've known him forever, as if there's a little part of him in me somewhere that I just can't figure out yet. Through a few simple strokes of the brush he seems to magically evoke beauty, grace, sadness, peacefulness and a wide range of emotions, as you can see in these two paintings of his.

Images courtesy of Philip Lim, creator of Lin Feng Mian site
i didn't realize you were back to posting so much! your uncle's paintings are stunning. and congratulations on being published in that book!
Thanks Teri. The writing adrenalin is back full force. Keep it up on your side. Cheers.
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