
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Magic of Creativity

We are all born creative. Some may have more aptitude or dedication, but that should not discourage us to follow our passions and learn new skills that bring magic into our lives. Creativity in all forms are elixirs for our well-being.

As much as I love creating stories, and getting into the heads and hearts of my characters, I also need to feast my eyes with delicious visuals and allow the intuitive shapes and shades to flow into my photography. Creating images balances the heaviness of thinking.

When winter is tough, this quote from Shakespeare's Richard III sometimes slips into my thoughts, Now is the winter of our discontent. It sounds depressing until I remember the next line, Made glorious this summer by this son of York. Yes, it makes me wonder if spring would be as joyful without the struggle of winter ... It's perhaps the contrast that makes us appreciate each season better ... the natural balance that brings harmony ...

Welcoming spring, my favourite time of the year with this photo montage: Winter melting into Spring

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