
Friday, September 16, 2011

Mauritius Off the Beaten Path

Alliance Française of Toronto is celebrating International Creole Month with Mauritius, Off the Beaten Path, a photography show by Peggy Lampotang at Galerie Pierre Léon, 24 Spadina Road, from October 5th to 31st, 2011.

Mauritius is one of many Creole-speaking countries. Haiti, Guadeloupe, among others, share similar Creole heritage through French colonization. The language was developed by African slaves who worked on sugarcane plantations and helped with the construction of roads and buildings. Creole, considered a vernacular French, is now recognized as an official language.

Colonized by the French in 1715, and later by the English from 1810 to 1968 when it gained its independence, Mauritius is a country where inhabitants of French, African, Indian, and Chinese origin are united through the Creole language. The melding of races has created a general population, also called Creole, which forms a large part of its working class.

To live in Canada, photographer Peggy Lampotang left this lush island with its azure ocean, but the island has never left her. You may have heard of Mauritius, its famous blue penny stamp, its extinct dodo bird, the miracle of its economic growth, or perhaps enjoyed lying on its pristine beach, the one where Prince William spent his holidays. But beyond this enchanting façade, there are faces of people going about their daily chores, faces that the photographer invites you to discover off the beaten path.

In spite of its financial success and its skyscrapers, Mauritius still harbours makeshift houses assembled from panels of old corrugated aluminum where some live with so little that one is surprised by their warmth. These children who wander freely in the ocean, these fishermen who throw their nets at the crack of dawn, these street vendors who sell fruits, tomatoes, chicken, and noodles, their faces are sometimes marked by a hard life, but their resourcefulness and survival instinct prevail. Does their inspiration come from the intuitive communion with the natural wilderness, and the ever-present ocean?

Exhibition Opening : Wednesday October 5th at 6:30 pm at Alliance Française de Toronto, 24 Spadina Road
RSVP à or 416 922 2014 ext 37

Île Maurice hors des sentiers touristiques

L’Alliance Française de Toronto célèbre le mois créole avec Île Maurice, hors des sentiers touristiques, une exposition de photos de Peggy Lampotang à la Galerie Pierre Léon. Alliance Française de Toronto du 5 au 31 Octobre, 2011.

L’île Maurice, Haïti, la Guadeloupe et bien d’autres, partagent le même héritage créole issu de la colonisation française. Le créole a été développé par les esclaves d’origine africaine qui travaillaient dans les champs de cannes à sucre ou à la construction de rues et de bâtiments. Le créole, considéré comme un patois français, est maintenant devenue une langue officielle.

Colonisée par les français en 1715, puis par les anglais de 1810 à 1968, l’année où elle obtient son indépendance, l’île Maurice réunit des habitants d’origine française, africaine, indienne, et chinoise par une langue commune, le créole. Ce brassage donne naissance à la population dite créole qui fait largement partie de la classe ouvrière de l’île.

Pour vivre au Canada, la photographe Peggy Lampotang a quitté cette île verdoyante avec son océan d’azur, mais cette île, elle, ne l’a jamais quitté. Vous avez peut-être entendu parler de l'île Maurice, de son fameux timbre ‘blue penny’, de son dodo disparu, ou du miracle de sa croissance économique, ou vous avez peut-être eu le plaisir de vous allonger sur ses belles plages, là où le Prince William a passé ses vacances. Mais derrière cette façade féerique, il y a le visage, les visages de ce peuple, qui s’en va à son labeur, des visages que ce photographe vous invite à découvrir hors des sentiers touristiques.

Malgré son succès financier et ses gratte-ciels, l’île Maurice abrite encore des maisons assemblées de vieux panneaux en tôle où les gens vivent avec si peu qu’on s’étonne de leur nature chaleureuse. Ces enfants qui gambadent librement dans l’océan, ces pêcheurs qui lancent leurs filets à la première lueur du matin, ces vendeurs qui nous offrent leurs fruits, tomates, poulets, et nouilles, aux visages sont parfois marqués par une vie dûre, mais des visages qui montrent une force et un esprit de survie. Leur inspiration vient-elle de cette communion intuitive avec la nature sauvage et l'infini de l’océan?

Vernissage : mercredi 5 octobre à 18h30 à l’Alliance Française de Toronto, 24 Spadina Road.
RSVP à ou 416 922 2014 poste 37

Saturday, September 03, 2011


Mauritius is very much on my mind these days. I visited the island with intense emotions a few weeks ago. First there was the high school reunion, which you can see on youtube thanks to Andy Wilkinson, our videographer extraordinaire ... This article in a Mauritian newspaper also sums up the wonderful time. It was so heart-warming to reconnect with school friends, and so awesome to go back in time, singing old songs, and feeling like a teenager all over again.

During my stay, I was lucky to meet a few talented artists, writers, and photographers who are changing the creative landscape of the island by sharing their giftedness with others. Their generosity and open-mindedness was inspiring.

Krishna Luchoomun, an accomplished visual artist who believes in bringing other artists together in non-conventional shows, put together a collective exhibition Art in the Forest by artists from countries along the Indian Ocean. It was a fascinating experience to walk through the damp forest, breathing in its earthy smell, and discovering a tree resplendent in aluminum foil, sleeping beauty waiting in her white bed, fat dodo birds gazing at us ... Ahhh conceptual art ... how it tickles our senses and imagination.

Barlen Pyamootoo, a brilliant writer who obtained the French literary prize, Prix du Roman Francophone for his book Benares, also directed a movie from the same book, that was featured at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) in 2005. This author believes in sharing his love of literature with aspiring writers on the island, and created L’atelier de l’Ecriture, a series of workshops which culminates in an annual publication of the best work from these students. What incredible opportunities this dedicated teacher provides for the future generation of Mauritian writers.

Jameel Peerally, an outstanding photographer and teacher who kindly let me accompany him during some of his photography outings with his students, directs his discerning eyes not only to photography but to social justice. His photography book titled Chagossians orphans of the world, shows the plight of this nation's forced exile by the British to make way for an American military base. He is currently having a group exhibition titled In Focus to show the excellent work of his students. He is also spearheading a youth movement to protest the current state of affairs on the island, which you can read in more details in this manifesto. Sending him my support for a peaceful march and hope the movement will achieve positive changes for the island.

And last but not least, I'm preparing for a photography show on Mauritius in October at Galerie Pierre Léon at Alliance Française de Toronto. A bit overwhelmed lately by Mauritius, that tiny precious island in the Indian Ocean. Will post more info about the show soon.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Rainbow Catcher

I would like to introduce you to my friend Chrisly Cheung, and her collection of short stories titled The Rainbow Catcher. Chris and I have dreamt together about writing and I was thrilled for her that her dream finally came true. She asked me to write a blurb on the back cover, and I gladly did. Her stories are very touching. Vivid details about life in Mauritius act as backdrop to the deeper meaning of each story.

"I met Chris in secondary school and was charmed by her fresh, childlike way of seeing things. Our lives took divergent paths, but our friendship survived through our shared passion for writing. Chrisly's depth of thoughts and feelings, and empathy for others are very much present in her collection of short stories. Her narratives explore relationships, innocent at times, yet complicated, with fate and spirituality weaving in their mystery, shaking our common beliefs, and challenging us to open up to another dimension where illusion and truth have no boundaries."

You can purchase the book at locations mentioned on her website and online at

Monday, July 18, 2011


Summertime and the livin' is easy
One of these mornings
You're gonna rise up singing
Then you'll spread your wings
And take to the sky

Lyrics by George Gershwin

This song's tune has a sad lingering mood that seems to cling to me this summer, yet its lyrics are so hopeful, with tremendous potential and promises in the air. There's so much sunshine out there in the city, casting its light on people chatting happily in restaurant patios, children running in playgrounds, blooming flowers ...

Wishing you all a wonderful summer.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Silence of Writing

I was in the country to work on my novel. Croaking frogs, twittering birds, and buzzing insects kept me company. This communion with nature swept away the bombardment of city noise and stimulations, and instilled much-needed peacefulness.

Writing in such silence by the lake is bliss to the creative soul.

“We cannot see our reflection in running water.” Taoist quote

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


When times are tough, I often find solace in quotes that remind me of our universal need for love, kindness and compassion. Forgiving those who have hurt us is not easy but it is part of our continuous efforts at improving relationships and creating a more pleasant world to live in.

Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit. ~ Peter Ustinov

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~ Dalai Lama

By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach. ~ Winston Churchill

Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair but manifestations of strength and resolution. ~ Kahlil Gibran

A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses. ~ Chinese Proverb

Le Grand Palais, Paris.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Art in Paris

Ah, a week in Paris. Reading and writing in cafés and bistros, wandering on cobblestoned streets, checking photography galleries, discovering new inspirations. Here are two shows that impressed me most during my visit.

Femmes Éternelles, a collection of 80 photos by Olivier Martel right on the fence of the Luxembourg gardens, is a celebration of women from diverse cultures. The photographer has captured with marvelous insight and sensitivity the depth of these women's souls. At a moment in my life when I feel the weight of women's difficult journeys in a world that seems more favourable to men, it was refreshing and such a relief to see this acknowledgement of women's fortitude, their resilience, their eternal inner beauty. I felt an immediate connection with this photographer and it was wonderful to meet him during his book signing.

Femmes Éternelles, une collection de 80 photos par Olivier Martel, sur les grilles du jardin Luxembourg, est une célébration de femmes de divers cultures. Ce photographe a capturé la profondeur d'âme de ces femmes avec une sensibilité et une compréhension qui me touchent beaucoup. En ce moment, le parcours difficile des femmes dans un monde qui me semble plus propice aux hommes, pèse beaucoup sur moi, et j'ai ressenti un allègement et une affinité immédiate envers ce photographe qui reconnaît le courage, la dignité, et la beauté intérieure de ces femmes éternelles. C'était merveilleux de le rencontrer pendant la dédicace de son livre.

I love that this show is outdoors and available to a larger audience. This woman who was passing by while doing her errands, contemplates another eternal woman.

J'aime que cette exposition est en plein air et visible au grand public. Cette femme qui passait par là pendant ses courses, admire une autre femme éternelle.

Enfants des rues, Madagascar, par Olivier Martel

Another show that impressed me was Leviathan, a sculpture by Anish Kapoor. This giant three-sphered balloon inflated up to the ceiling of the Grand Palais is compelling just through its sheer size.

Une autre exposition qui m'a beaucoup impressionnée est Leviathan, une sculpture de Anish Kapoor. Ce ballon géant de trois sphères qui atteint le plafond du Grand Palais nous subjuge par sa dimension gigantesque.

Viewed from inside, it feels as if one has entered a womb ... perhaps a woman's, or the interior of an eye, but it is up to the viewer to experience at a personal level the claustrophobic yet enlightening redness of the balloon whose fabric reflects light coming through the glass dome of the Grand Palais.

Vu de l'intérieur, on se sent dans le ventre ... d'une femme peut-être, ou à l'intérieur d'un oeil, mais c'est au spectateur de vivre personnellement l'expérience de ce ballon rouge claustrophobique et pourtant illuminé dont le tissu reflète la lumière qui passe à travers le dome vitré du Grand Palais.

Viewed from outside, the sensual curves tower over us, making us feel tiny, insignificant against this somehow grotesque monstrosity that brings out our vulnerability and prompts us to find a deeper meaning in our reactions.

Vu de l'exterieur, les courbes sensuelles sont à une échelle qui nous rendent tout petits et insignifiants à coté de cette sculpture grotesque qui nous rend vulnérable et nous incite à trouver un sens plus profond à nos réactions.

I was intrigued by Anish Kapoor's work, and read interviews about how he enables expression rather than expresses any message in his sculptures. I totally get what he says about artists making mythologies when they inspire people to look beyond the art. Anish Kapoor projects great intimacy in the way he breathes and lives in his work. This artist's preoccupation with space and the way it relates to our soul keeps me wanting to read more about him.

J'étais intriguée par l'oeuvre d'Anish Kapoor et j'ai lu dans ses interviews qu'il veut rendre possible l'expression de la personne envers sa sculpture, et non exprimer un message. J'aime beaucoup ce qu'il dit sur les artistes qui créent une mythologie quand ils inspirent les gens à voir plus loin que l'objet d'art. Anish Kapoor projette une intimité dans la façon dont il respire et vit son art. Cet artiste parle de l'espace et sa relation avec notre état d'âme avec tant de conviction que je voudrais en lire plus sur lui.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Celebrating architecture and successful friends

One of the good things about getting older is to see hard-working friends who shared modest beginnings (like living in warehouses, driving beat-up Beatles, going to repertory theatres ...) achieve success in their careers. Two dear friends, Diarmuid Nash, and Daniel Teramura are now partners in the internationally renowned architectural firm of Moriyama and Teshima Architects and have worked on many impressive projects such as these:

Canadian War Museum

Bata Shoe Museum

The National Museum in Saudi Arabia

Bravo to Diarmuid and Dan for their inspiring designs. The philosophy of their architectural firm truly expresses who they are, kind and caring people with a passion for design:
"In the midst of our increasingly complex lives, we all yearn for simple reminders of our place in the world. We want our senses to be stimulated. We want to experience nature daily. We want to share spaces with our friends and neighbours. We want healthy workplaces. We want honour and respect. These are the kinds of values that inform our work."

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

About the unforeseen in art

"The unforeseen is the most beautiful gift life can give us. That is what we must think of multiplying in our domain. … Art is inconceivable without risk, without inner sacrifice; freedom and boldness of imagination can be won only in the process of work, and it is there that the unforeseen I spoke of a moment ago must intervene, and there no directives can help."
Boris Pasternak

This quote from the author of Dr. Zhivago expresses so clearly one of the deepest truths about art whether it's painting, writing, music, etc.

Spring is here, its crisp light peeking through a dried up leaf that sat gracefully on this branch all winter.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Music at De Sotos

Since I last wrote about the open mike that my talented friend Anthony Abbatangeli hosts at De Sotos, singers, guitarists, drummers, saxophonists, bassists, key board players, violinists, percussionists have been dropping by to create their own magic on Thursday evenings.

Music is such a visceral form of expression. It sweeps musicians into a rhythm that acquires a life of its own, and transports us into a state in which nothing else matters but the sounds and sensations that are pulsating through our bodies. It brings out spontaneity, creativity and a sense of camaraderie and warmth that is cathartic.

If you sing, play a musical instrument or just love listening to music to unwind from a hard day’s work, join Anthony and friends for a fun Thursday evening at De Sotos on St. Clair West and Lauder.

My dear friend Lynda Covello, jazz vocalist, sings a duet with Jim Fabro. Budi on bass, Noah on guitar and Bernie on saxophone.

Tony, our rock star sings Hot Legs. Anthony Abbatangeli, host extraordinaire, on guitar

Monday, February 21, 2011

February in Toronto

There's something fragile about February. Dried-up vine leaves that cling delicately onto branches, icicles that hang precariously from bare trees, crisp pristine snow that flatten into the shape of our steps, and pervading it all, a snappish grey weather that threatens to shatter our cheerfulness.

I took a walk along one of the ravines that run stealthily under the boisterous belly of Toronto. A deep cleansing breath of cold air while observing the elegant lines of the nature trail, and slowly brittle emotions firm up with resolve. One of the reasons I love this city is its balance of contrasts. Hard concrete masses rise above soft organic forests. Coldness and warmth side by side.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mauriciens enfants de mille races

I've been reading books about Mauritius. Mauriciens enfants de mille races and Mauriciens enfants de mille combats by Jean-Claude de L'Estrac, show how centuries of history mould our social environment and affect us in ways we are often not aware of.

De L'Estrac's detailed account of the island's beginnings, from colonization, slavery, to migration of indentured labourers, exposes the roots of its inhabitants. I could feel the plight and struggles of all these ancestors, these immigrants who faced tremendous hardships, who toughened it, who dreamt of a better life for themselves and their children, whether they were French, Africans, Indians or Chinese. These people helped to build the island where I grew up.

Reading this book brought much awareness of how the history of Mauritius has shaped the person I am. Even though I call Canada home for over 30 years, a little part of me is still attached to the island, that feeling of being indeed a child of all races, un enfant de mille races .

Monday, January 03, 2011

Lynda Covello at The Reservoir Lounge

A great beginning to the New Year. My dear dear friend, Lynda Covello, the lawyer with the sultry, seductive voice, is singing at The Reservoir Lounge on Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 7:00 to 9:00pm. More details on her website

It will be a wonderful treat to hear Lynda sing, a great way to warm the heart during these cold days. Since I last wrote about her here , Lynda has impressed me with her determination to pursue her dream. She's put in many, many hours of work, as well as her heart and soul in her singing.

The Reservoir Lounge is one of my favourite jazz clubs, warm, cozy, vibrant. You can feel your body absorbing the musical vibes, and you can even shake it all out on its tiny dance floor.

Please join us for a terrific evening which I hope will skyrocket Lynda's career as a professional singer.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

December's wintry beauty

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
Helen Keller

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

A difficult year is ending and the quotes above reflect my current state of mind. December is here with its wintry beauty. This little drop of ice hanging on a dormant branch with buds waiting to burst into spring blossoms says it all.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A very sad loss

Words cannot express the pain my family and I feel from the tragic loss of my brother's wife. Helene was so sweet, gentle, and kind. My heart is crying out while my mind is trying to come to terms with the senselessness of it all ...

But I know she will always be with us in spirit ...
for my brother and my niece ...

"Say not in grief that she is no more
but say in thankfulness that she was
A death is not the extinguishing of a light,
but the putting out of the lamp
because the dawn has come."


Saturday, October 09, 2010

The High Road

Terry Fallis has done it again. The High Road, the sequel to his award winning novel, The Best Laid Plans is a compelling read. With enough action to flip the pages fast, enough honest, caring, politicians to regain faith in the system (even though temporarily), enough satire about Canadian politics to inform us about the sad, inner workings of parliament, enough feisty seniors and fine young men in wild outfits to discourage stereotyping, enough wit to feel charmed, enough slapstick humour to laugh out loud, and well ... enough romance to go ooohh ahhhh ...

Terry is a friend, and I can't help seeing little bits of his personality in the fictional character of Daniel Addison, that same wit and humour, that same integrity, but with none of the gaucherie that gives Daniel a propensity to slip and fall on icy porches with no clothes on ...

Now, if that's intrigued you, the book can be purchased at any major bookstores or online. It's a light read and feel-good novel. Well done, Terry. Good luck.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Gandhi on love

I was in Mauritius for a short trip and walked for a long, long stretch along this beach at Flic en Flac. It was so calming to watch the waves swell back and forth and splash their foamy frills along the shore. Such a wonderful way to relieve the stress that had accumulated over the last months ...

While I was there, inspired by a friend's fascination for Gandhi, I finished reading The Essential Gandhi, an anthology on his writings, his life, work and ideas. Here's a man who dared to dream of freedom for his country, a man who held on to his belief in non-violence, and just marched with unshakable conviction towards his goal. We need more visionaries like him to lead this world, visionaries who are not sidetracked by the lure of material gains, visionaries who believe in the inherent good in people, and have the ability to bring it out.

This quote from Gandhi reflects what I've always felt about the far-reaching power of love.

"We are bound by the ties of love … Scientists tell us that without the presence of the cohesive force amongst the atoms that comprise this globe of ours it would crumble to pieces and we would cease to exist, and even as there is cohesive force in blind matter so much must there be in all things animate and the name for that cohesive force among animate beings is love … where there is love, there is life, hatred leads to destruction …"

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Moving on with love

Time is flying. I feel as if I'm riding on summer 's overheated and restless wings. Going through major changes in my life right now. I'm moving on towards new creative horizons ... Hope to write more regularly in the fall when things settle down.

Finished reading Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil. His conviction that "All living thing desires above all to vent its strength ..." and that self-preservation is only a consequence of this will to power, gave me much food for thought, casting a different light in the current way I see relationships, its struggles, and the reason why some marriages don't work and others do.

However, Nietzsche's claim that men have more depth than women shows that even a deep-thinking man like him can be shallow. His condescending view of women as superficial creatures who want to be possessed, is sexist, and lacks true knowledge of the complicated feminine nature.

He seems to take pleasure in challenging preconceptions by pushing thoughts to the extreme, thoughts that repel, yet intrigue and tend to divert comfortable thoughts towards unnerving directions. For example when he writes, " ... woman would like to believe that love can do everything – it is her characteristic faith. Alas, he who knows the heart divines how poor, stupid, helpless, arrogant, blundering, more prone to destroy than save is the best and deepest love."

We have all experienced at some point or other the destructive aspects of "falling in love". But love is so much broader than the raw feelings of couples. It encompasses friendships and kind feelings for others that bring a spiritual and emotional level of connection that is uplifting ... perhaps the will to love is the feminine version of the will to power.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A sad day for Toronto

I expected peaceful demonstrations and was shocked by the violence on Toronto Streets. It is sad to see so much energy spent on destruction. Here are some quotes that reflect best my thoughts on this matter.

"La violence, sous quelque forme qu'elle se manifeste, est un échec." Jean-Paul Sartre
Violence, no matter in what form it shows itself, is a failure.

"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” Mahatma Gandhi

“When liberty comes with hands dabbled in blood it is hard to shake hands with her.” Oscar Wilde

"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." Thomas A. Edison

"At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love." Martin Luther King, Jr.